Acupuncture Treatment for Hiatal Hernia
A man in his 50s: Several years ago, he experienced stomach discomfort and visited a gastroenterology clinic. He was diagnosed with reflux esophagitis caused by a hiatal hernia.
Although he took Western medication for several years, its effectiveness gradually diminished. In May of last year, he switched to traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which resolved most of his symptoms. However, a pulsating sensation in his stomach was the only symptom that remained.
He came to our clinic, hoping to address the remaining pulsating sensation in his stomach. Upon examination, abnormalities were found in the spinal area corresponding to the esophagus and stomach.
After adjustment using spinal acupuncture therapy, his symptoms began to diminish by the third session. By the sixth session, his symptoms had significantly improved, and eventually, the pulsating sensation was reduced to a level where it was hardly noticeable in daily life.